Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Chick-Weed's Chick Adventures

Yes, you read it correctly! I picked up my chickies yesterday!! 6 little girls. So cute, if I do say so myself. It was hard to choose which ones!

I'm not positive of the breeds, but it looks like 3 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Cochin, and the 6th is either RIR or a Buff Orpington...only time will tell.

Getting ready to build them a coop and run...I'm trying to do most if not all of the construction with freecycle materials.

Without further ado - Here they are! The two Cochins are named - "Zig" (my nephew's chick) and "Angel Allabeena" (my niece's chick)!


  1. How exciting! Our new baby chicks arrive next week. We acquired our first chicks before we'd built a coop and run. It was a busy few weekends, but well worth it. Enjoy your new chicks, they grow fast!

  2. YAY! They're adorable! Good luck with them!
