Sunday, December 27, 2009

First Winter Harvest

Today is a great day to go outside - the sun is shining and it is a balmy 50˚ F! After yesterday's rain, the sun is a welcome sight. I put on my Wellies and headed out to check the hoop-house crops.

I had a few surprises when I opened up the end flap. The soil was still damp under the surface layer, that tends to dry out anyway, and I had 2 turnips and 1 carrot ready for harvest! Now the carrot's growth has been stunted for one reason or another. I am not 100% sure of the cause. When I sowed the seed, they sprouted rather quickly and spent most of their energy into forming the greens, which is what I assume is the cause for the small stunted root growth. All the previous carrots harvested had this same type of stunted growth. But the pony likes them, so they aren't a total waste!

My other surprise was in the collards - I caught the culprit that has been munching away at them...a lovely little slug!

Some sow bugs were also found hanging about in the damp soil under the carrots - they are a constant pest wherever conditions are damp. It was a good reminder that even though my crops are covered, the pests can still get in! The turnips both had a little insect damage on them, but nothing detrimental. They will be part of tonight's dinner - boiled and mashed up with the leftover potatoes from last night.

Happy Harvesting!

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